List is one of the most powerful structures in Python. It is defined as "a container that holds a number of other objects, in a given order". So it is quite general and extendable.
For List type, there are several aspects we need to know:
1. Generation
1.1. Direct way
a = []; b = [1,2,3]; c = ['today', 'is', 1, 'of', 'the', 0.5, 'day'];
b = list(1,2,3);
1.2. Sequence generation
a = [x**2 for x in range(10)]
1.3 Convert from other data structures
a = (1,2,3); b = list(a)
2. Access
2.1. Direct way
a = range(10); b = a[1:5]
2.2 Sequence way
a = range(100); b = [1,2,3,10,40]; c = [a[i] for i in b];
3. Modification (list-level)
3.1 list.append() --- add item to the list
3.2 list.extend() --- add elements from list to the list
3.3 list.insert(i, x) --- add item to the list on specific location
a.insert(len(a), 10) is equivalent to a.append(10)
3.4 list.remove(x) --- remove the first item from the list whose value is x, return error if there is no such item.
3.5 list.pop([i]) --- Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. If no index is specified, a.pop() removes and returns the last item in the list.
3.6 list.index(x) --- Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is x, return error if there is no such item
3.7 list.count(x) --- Return the number of times x appears in the list, return error if there is no such item
3.8 list.sort() or list.sort(reverse = True) or list.reverse() --- sort the list ...
3.9 del statement --- delete either any element (del(a[0])) or the whole list! (del a). Powerful, yet dangerous :)
4. Nested List
If one generate a nested list as this:
a = [[a,b] for a in range(10) for b in range(5)]
To access to each individual:
Some additional useful functions on List:
1. How to merge two lists?
c = a + b very straight forward, remember there is no a - b operation
NOTE: List is different from the matrix or vector as in Matlab, one can not directly run any mathematical operation on it, such as a = a + 1.
NOTE: two derived structures: Queue and Stack, how to do this? following examples:
1. Queue
a = range(10); a.append('new-entry'); a.pop(0);
2. Stack
a = range(10); a.append('new-entry'); a.pop();
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